国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(41103063): 浅层地下水系统中抗生素的污染特征及环境行为研究,2012.1-2014.12,项目负责人。
中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金“优秀青年教师基金项目”(CUGL100217) :抗生素在水-土界面迁移规律及作用机理研究,2010.1-2012.12,项目负责人。
国际合作项目(2013DFG92250)“污染土壤修复与生物柴油联产技术合作研究” 2013.3-2016.3,主要参与人。
国家863 计划课题(2004AA601050)“黄姜皂素水污染控制技术及工程示范” 2004.8-2007.12,主要参与人。
1. Fangling Qin, Lin Zhang, Lei Tong*, Kun Zhang, Wenzhao Nan, Jingyi Wang, Menghan Li. Photochemical transformation of sulfadiazine in UV/Fe(II)/sodium citrate Fenton-like system. Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 322:116112.
2. Naijin Ma, Lei Tong*, Yuqiong Li, Cong Yang, Qin Tan, Jun He. Distribution of antibiotics in lake water-groundwater - Sediment system in Chenhu Lake area. Environmental Research, 2022. 204:112343.
3. Lu Zhao, Evans Atoni, Raphael Nyaruaba, Yao Du, Huaiyu Zhang, Oscar Donde, Doudou Huang, Shuqi Xiao, Nanjie Ren, Teng Ma, Zhu Shu, Zhiming Yuan, Lei Tong*, Han Xia*. Environmental surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 RNA in wastewater systems and related environments in Wuhan: April to May of 2020. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2021. 112:115-120.
4. Lei Tong*, Liting Qin, Chuan Guan, Mesmire Emade Wilson, Xianju Li, Dandan Cheng, Jie Ma, Hui Liu, Fujun Gong. Antibiotic resistance gene profiling in response to antibiotic usage and environmental factors in the surface water and groundwater of Honghu Lake, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020. 27:31995–32005.
5. Cong Yang, Lei Tong*, Xianglin Liu, Qin Tan, Hui Liu. High-resolution imaging of phosphorus mobilization and iron redox cycling in sediments from Honghu Lake, China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 2019. 19:3856–3865.
6. Lin Zhang, Lei Tong*, Pengguang Zhu, Peng Huang, Zhengyu Tan, Fangling Qin, Wen Shi, Mengyun Wang, Han Nie, Guicheng Yan and Hongtao Huang. Adsorption of chlortetracycline onto biochar derived from corn cob and sugarcane bagasse. Water Science & Technology. 2018. 78.6: 1336-1347.
7. Lei Tong, Liting Qin, Cong Xie, Hui Liu, Yanxin Wang, Chuan Guan, Shuangbing Huang. Distribution of antibiotics in alluvial sediment near animal breeding areas at the Jianghan Plain, Central China. Chemosphere. 2017. 186: 100-107.
8. Tong, L.; Liu, H.; Xie, C.; Li, MJ., Quantitative analysis of antibiotics in aquifer sediments by liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry. Journal of Chromatography A. 2016. 1452: 58-66.
9. Tong, L., Huang, S. B., Wang, Y. X., Liu, H., Li, M. J. Occurrence of antibiotics in the aquatic environment of Jianghan Plain, central China. Science of the Total Environment. 2014. 497: 180-187.
10. Tong, L., Wang, Y. X., Hermo, M. P., Barron, D., Barbosa, J. Simultaneous determination and toxicological assessment of penicillins in different water matrices. Ecotoxicology. 2014. 23(10): 2005-2013.
11. Lei Tong, Ping Li, Yixian Shao, Yanxin Wang, Characterization of dissolved organic matter in fractions of piggery wastewater. Environmental Forensics. 2012. 13(4): 339-347.
12. Lei Tong, Sandra Pérez, Carlos Gonçalves, Fátima Alpendurada, Yanxin Wang, Damià Barceló. Kinetic and mechanistic studies of the photolysis of metronidazole in simulated aqueous environmental matrices using a mass spectrometric approach. Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry. 2011. 399(1): 421-428.
13. Lei Tong, Peter Eichhorn, Sandra Pérez, Yanxin Wang, Damià Barceló. Photodegradation of azithromycin in various aqueous systems under simulated and natural solar radiation: kinetics and identification of photoproducts. Chemosphere. 2011. 83(3): 340-348.
14. Lei Tong, Yanxin Wang, Ping Li, Juan Wang, Yixian Shao. HS-SPME and SPE concentration for quantification of malodorous substances in piggery wastewater. Environmental Forensics, 2010. 11(4): 355-362.
15. Lei Tong, Ping Li, Yanxin Wang, Kuanzheng Zhu. Analysis of veterinary antibiotic residues in swine wastewater and environmental water samples using optimized SPE-LC/MS/MS. Chemosphere. 2009. 74(8): 1090-1097.
16. Tong Lei, Wang Yan-xin, Zhao Zhong-yi, Jin Ji-hong, Guo Xia-hui. Fluorometric determination of fructose in the presence of glucose using zirconyl chloride-ammonium chloride. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2007. 27: 2313-2316.
17. Linlin Yao, Yanxin Wang⁎, Lei Tong, Yamin Deng, Yonggang Li, Yiqun Gan, Wei Guo, Chuangju Dong, Yanhua Duan, Ke Zhao. Occurrence and risk assessment of antibiotics in surface water and groundwater from different depths of aquifers: A case study at Jianghan Plain, central China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2017. 135: 236-242.
18. 杨聪, 童蕾, 马乃进, 李玉琼. 洪湖水体和沉积物中抗生素的分布特征及其影响因素研究. 安全与环境工程 2022, 29(05): 78-90.
19. 李玉琼, 童蕾*, 严涵等. 河水-地下水交互带沉积物中抗生素和代谢产物提取方法优化及其分布特征. 环境科学 2021, 42(11): 237-245.
20. 谭琴,童蕾*,马乃进等, 海伦市耕地表层黑土中有机碳与不同矿物态铁的空间分布特征及其相关关系. 安全与环境工程 2020, 27(6): 23-30.
21. 关川,童 蕾*,秦丽婷,刘 慧, 洪湖养殖区水环境中微生物的耐药性及其群落功能多样性研究. 农业环境科学学报 2018, 37(8): 1748-1757.
22. 童蕾; 姚林林; 刘慧; 王焰新, 抗生素在地下水系统中的环境行为及生态效应研究进展. 生态毒理学报 2016, 11(2): 27-36.
23. 童蕾; 曾梦玲; 李民敬; 刘慧, 铁锰氧化物对地下水环境中金霉素的降解. 环境化学 2016, (5): 917-924.
24. 秦丽婷; 童蕾*; 刘慧; 关川, 环境中磺胺类抗生素的生物降解及其抗性基因污染现状. 环境化学 2016, (5): 875-883.
25. 邵一先, 童蕾*, 陈飞, 王焰新. 煤工业水环境中芳烃类化合物的测定,环境化学, 2013. 32(11):2213-2214.
Book chapter:
Sandra Pérez, Marianne Köck, Lei Tong, Antoni Ginebreda, Rebeca López-Serna, Cristina Postigo, Rikke Brix, Miren López de Alda, Mira Petrovic, Yanxin Wang, and Damià Barceló. Wastewater Reuse in the Mediterranean Area of Catalonia, Spain: Case Study of Reuse of Tertiary Effluent from a Wastewater Treatment Plant at el Prat de Llobregat (Barcelona). Waste Water Treatment and Reuse in the Mediterranean Region, the Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, 2010, 1-46, DOI: 10.1007/698_2010_88. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010.
童蕾, 李平, 王焰新, 刘琨, 刘珩. 畜禽污水末端多级人工地质快渗处理系统. 实用新型专利. 2008.8. 已授权. 申请号:200820190220.5, 公开号:CN201240947.